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Calm seas by Matt Hardy

What I do

“In business speaking English has always been an advantage, but today writing it is essential. The right words can be the difference between winning and losing.” 


It's a fact, fairly or unfairly, that the global language of business happens to be English, and today most of it happens to be written.

This is unfortunate for those who do not have English as a first language, because if they use badly written English in their international communications and are not understood, they risk harming their business and reputation. Worse, it could make them look unprofessional, and the one thing about looking unprofessional is it always hands an advantage to the competition.

While I am happy to work with anyone, I focus mainly on SMEs (small to medium-sized enterprises), having managed many in my working life, as I know just how hard it is for them to succeed in such a competitive environment, and what a waste if all the hard work put into the business is lost, because a translation, or piece of text, generates suspicion rather than welcome. 


I make sure there are no errors in letters, documents, blogs, emails, websites, and other social media. I check there are no unfortunate advertising or PR mistakes. No faults in packaging or instructions. I do everything I can to ensure my clients make a positive impression, because impressions always stick, and errors, no matter how small, always generate negativity and questions about the authenticity of a business or a product.  

This is especially important for those companies chasing new business or launching a new product, as they usually only get one chance to impress. If their initial approaches raise suspicions, which badly written English does, rather than interest, they will have little chance of impressing.  

Many businesses rely on online translation sites (AI Chatbots are powered by the same translation technologies) as a solution, especially as they have improved so much over recent years. What they do not realise is that these sites are still a long way from being acceptable for business communications. 

The world’s most successful online translation site admits inaccuracy when translating into English around 5% for the most frequently used languages (French, Spanish, Portuguese), 15% for Chinese and East Asian languages, 20% for Turkish and Arabic, and as high as 30% for the less used languages of Central, Eastern, and Southern Europe.


This is for ‘literal’ (word-for-word) translations, but when syntax, nuance, slang, and business terms are introduced (which all languages have) the inaccuracy climbs even higher making almost all translations unsafe and impossible to comprehend. 

5% inaccuracy is difficult, 10% is definitely unsafe, and anything above 20% is impossible to understand.


The problem is any inaccuracy should be unacceptable because any mistake will always raise suspicion and lessen chances of success.

How can any professional business therefore use these sites for their important communications if they do not know if the translations supplied convey the message they want to convey? Or are they damaging their chances before even even get going?

In English, it only takes a few words in the wrong place to alter the meaning, which can be the difference between winning and losing.

This is where Kenney Consultancy steps in. I work mainly with clients in Central Europe, the Balkans, Turkey, the Middle East, and China.

I help them by acting as a safety net available whenever needed, helping build their international presence and competitiveness by ensuring their important English communications are clear, concise, and exactly the intended message.  


To facilitate using my services, I do not charge by the word as most professional translators do but by the hour at a fixed rate (see my ‘Terms and Conditions’). 

I also maintain the utmost confidentiality in everything I do, which is critical to my success and I know the success of my clients.  It is utterly crucial and dictates all I do (see my ‘Confidentiality’ page).  

To give clients security and extra confidence, I am happy to discuss exclusivities within their industry, or even within their country itself.


If you are a business (or a private individual) and you struggle with written English in whatever form but need to use it, then please contact me as I can help you. 


I look forward to hearing from you.


If you would like to discuss the help I offer, or if you might be interested in partnering with my business in your country, I would be delighted to hear from you. 

Thanks for submitting!

(This website's international pages have been translated by an online translation site)

Kenney Consultancy is a private consultancy business.

© 2024 Kenney Consultancy

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